Saturday, October 2, 2010

How To Word Vegetarian Option On Invite


As you have read Chapter 8 of the book, the tenacity of Robert Millikan led him to enter the "hall of fame" of Science for his wonderful experiment drop of oil with which to measure followed the electron charge. He was honored in 1923 with the Nobel Prize , "for his work on the elementary charge of electricity and the photoelectric effect ". It was a fantastic teacher who was awarded more than 25 universities as honorary professor. His contribution to the scientific world was not limited to the discovery for which he received the Nobel, but certainly the beauty and genius of this simple experiment is capable of awe even today. I imagine the oil droplets, as "small parachute" falling, climbing or levitating depending on the outcome of the struggle of the three forces at work: Electric Force (to be electrically charged drop) and friction with the medium (air) versus gravitational force (weight drop).

The proposed activity is the publication of a joint entry in your blog to answer the following questions (for this you can use the information provided in the form of videos, images and hyperlinks). The deadline to publish the blog entry is Monday, 18 October :

1 - Explanation of the hypothesis about the vitreous fluid Symmer (+) and the fluid resinous (-) from the point of view of your knowledge of the electrostatic . You can include your own photos or videos of small experiments electrostatic (remember what we studied last year in Technology) .

2 - Explain the operation of a discharge tube . Why Thomson managed to deflect the cathode rays? How does the rarefied gas pressure inside?

3 - Explain the Thomson model of the atom and investigates why it is not a viable model by later discoveries.

4 - Millikan worked at the University of Chicago under the command of Albert Michelson . Briefly describe the experiment which is famous researcher. What is ether? Do you think their existence remains a viable hypothesis?

5 - Can you explain, according to the Bohr model why X-rays ionize the droplets of oil?

6 - Describe the Millikan experiment . propose the following optional work : performs the experiment in this web and presents the results you have obtained (graphs, calculations, etc ...).

7 - What is the photoelectric effect ? You can teach any current application of this phenomenon whose theoretical explanation, Albert Einstein received the Nobel Prize. Millikan also verified experimentally Einstein's hypothesis that although said it "lacks a satisfactory theoretical basis" .

8 - Why do you think it's interesting that scientists take a few years in other research centers other than those that formed?

9 - Why is it recommended (or not) read popular science books?

10 - Build Your Own reused materials atomic model (Thomson, Rutherford and Bohr) and hangs on your blog a photo spread of him (photo, video or video montage). A Here I present my model of "pizza acietunas" Thomson Atom:


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