Monday, December 27, 2010

Acrylic And Polyester Diffrence

Immune System Defender Game New Residents Community?

My first contact with the medical internet was Forum Students at my School , a place opened by @ Emilienko on a server outside the University to facilitate communication between medical students in Seville. In it and with it grew as a student, as a physician and as a person, by allowing contact with older and more experienced colleagues and with other younger and full of ideas. I gradually introduced to other pages: Medical Journal, the group AEMIR Yahoo! , the ECMS Forum, Facebook, the blogosphere and other social health.

After the passage of time some have closed and others have effectively lost its function. But today, at a time which dominate blogs and social networks, I think there is still a demand for communication among peers and the need for a place to reflect on common issues and share ideas, where acquaintances and strangers can analysis and express their opinions despite the limited time free residence allows us.

In this context we have neither enough time nor place to facilitate communication occurs, a website designed by and open to any member of the MIR population that wishes to participate. The strengths that provides over previous platforms are the youth of the site and the patronage of the company that designed the web, offering a free and unrestricted environment in which to gather ideas and comments of any kind.

However, it has some shortcomings, the first and most caught my attention was the number of boxes you had to fill in the guest registration for access. I think what people want is access to a resource in the most simple and then if you want, add more information (the best example is Facebook). Another shortcoming is the amount of information shown little hierarchy in the main page and makes it difficult to find the most interesting characteristics, such as the Forum, the multitude of blogs, video and data to us.

Even so grateful for the provision of Incipy to create a community for residents. At the end of the day they have the means and we do the content. The Community is what we know how to do it. I suggest taking a look at

PS: I wrote this post from your phone, try to correct any spelling mistakes that may have made when I can have a computer!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Milena Velva Con Un Negro

ACTIVITY 3: Einstein, Bohr, de Broglie, Heisenberg and others.

Although this part of our reader is not part of the contents of 4 of ESO, in our desire to go beyond learning the content in isolation, we believe that reading you enter into an exciting Physics section: the world of the very small. Today
quantum physics with gravitation are two areas of physics with more questions unanswered and where a significant proportion of scientists is proud of his intelligence to figure out what in ancient times sought to be Human: what is the nature of matter?
The content of chapter revolves around a fascinating experiment that is still very difficult to explain to people who have not studied physics: "The double-slit experiment" and environment in this chapter, we have prepared a questionnaire which appears below. It is short-answer questions and most of them can be answered simply by reading the chapter. However, there are some questions we have placed last in the questionnaire that you will require a bit more work, intellectual effort, tenacity and research. Undoubtedly qualities, among others, that scientists should have to make progress as you got people as amazing as those in Title: Einstein, Bohr, de Broglie, Heisenberg ... and whose names have passed into history for its contribution to human knowledge and, though often not explained, well-being and comfort of many of us.
Without their research things like TV, GPS, mobile phones, radiation, scans and many more simply not be possible.

Now that you have read Chapter 10 of our reader you are ready to respond to the questionnaire but before you view the following video which explains what the double slit experiment:

The task must be completed as late on Sunday 23 January.

not forget to send the questionnaire below and continue reading at the end:

< p >

The issues raised will then be responded to via a blog entry. This is a volunteer and can be done alone, in pairs or with the participation of all members of the blog. Avoid
copy / paste, it is clear that we are not inventing anything but make an effort of synthesis and overall aims that everyone can understand.

"I do not really understand something unless you are able to explain to your grandmother." Albert Einstein

1. Find out about the parameters and methods used to date the age of the universe and make a brief summary of the information you find. Do not forget to mention related images and fonts.
Documéntate: (a form of things related to astronomy)
http://es / wiki / Big_bang (although wikipedia is well documented)

2. Find the definition of wave physics and the parameters that define it.

3. What Einstein meant by the phrase: "God does not play dice"?

4. Find information on the concepts causality and determinism. Make an analysis of why these concepts are affected by the probabilistic interpretation of the wave function and to what extent this can be a problem.

5. Dare to make an interpretation of what the author means when he writes: "How do we know that the moon is there when we are not looking? (The top 239)

6. Back to watch video from the double-slit experiment:

Could you make a little video overview of mention: the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, Schrödinger equation, duality wave-particle and the collapse of the wave function?

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Much Do Sock Rims Cost

Manifesto in Defense of Fundamental Rights in Internet

Given the inclusion in the Draft Law on Sustainable economy of legislative changes affecting the free exercise of freedom of expression, information and the right of access to culture through the Internet, journalists, bloggers, users, professionals and Internet developers express our firm opposition to the project, and declare that ...

1 .- The copyright can not be placed above citizens' fundamental rights, including the right to privacy, security, presumption of innocence, to effective judicial protection and freedom of expression.

2 .- The suspension of fundamental rights is and must remain the exclusive competence of the judiciary. Not a close without trial. This blueprint, contrary to the provisions of Article 20.5 of the Constitution, put in the hands of a non-judicial body under the Ministry of Culture, the power to prevent English citizens access to any website.

3 .- The new legislation will create legal uncertainty around the English technology sector, hurting one of the few areas of development and future of our economy, hindering the creation of enterprises by introducing barriers to competition and slowing its international expansion.

4 .- The new proposed legislation threatens to hinder new creators and cultural creation. With The Internet and new technologies have democratized the creation and release of contents of any kind, no longer come predominantly from the traditional cultural industries, but from many different sources.

5 .- The authors, like all workers are entitled to live out of their creative ideas, business models and activities associated with their creations. Trying to hold legislative changes to an outdated industry that can adapt to this new environment is neither fair nor realistic. If your business model is based on the control of the copies of the works and the Internet is not possible without violating fundamental rights, should find another model.

6 .- We believe that cultural industries need to survive modern alternatives, effective, credible and affordable to suit new social practices, rather than limitations so disproportionate as to be ineffective in that they are pursuing.

7 .- Internet should function freely and without interference from groups that seek to perpetuate outdated business models and impossible for human knowledge remains free.

8 .- We ask the Government to guarantee the neutrality law of the network in Spain, to any pressure that may occur as a framework for developing a sustainable economy for the future.

9 .- We propose a real reform of intellectual property rights aimed at an end: return to the society of knowledge, promote the public domain and limit abuses of management entities.

10 .- In a democracy, laws and amendments should be adopted after due debate and consultation with all parties involved. It is unacceptable that legislative changes are made that affect rights fundamental organic no law that deals with other matters.
This manifesto, drawn up jointly by several authors, is all and none. If you want to join it, spread it over the Internet.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Inteview Question For An Equity Dealer Job

ACTIVITY 2: RUTHERFORD, the atomic nucleus

Ernest Rutherford is one of the great figures of science. Perhaps more important than his own discoveries was the great legacy of scientists trained in that glorious era of physics that goes from the last quarter nineteenth century to the first quarter of the twentieth century. Being able to be in the elite of scientific knowledge, at par, to transmit this knowledge to wider society, is really commendable. And in that regard Rutherford was also an ace. Surely this attitude popularizer of science has much to do, as you may have read in the chapter, with its origins in a very distant (physically and socially) colony (remember he was born in the nineteenth century). Rutherford was to bring science to the average citizen of his time taking his mysticism in which he wraps his experimental and mathematical procedure. You, as students taking Physics and Chemistry You are required to soak in this mysticism , you are initiated into the art of knowing the experimental methods and mathematical sciences that give these wonderful answers to new questions based on cause.

Perhaps you've ever had the feeling of living in a "magical society" : I give a button and turn on the TV, keep instant contact with the rest of the world regardless of distance, I have all the music a single click, but I can not understand how these devices. It's like a "technological sect" direct my life. Well, if you keep studying these wonderful science one day come to be able to be part of that "sect" , and perhaps, hopefully, be amongst those who think like Rutherford (not to belittle the waiter): "If you explain to a waiter you're doing and do not understand, how poor is not the waiter, but what you're doing " .

This activity, performed by members of the blog (remember all the comments about group work), will appear in your blog deadline on Monday November 15 .

1 - As you have read JJ Thomson was a professor of Rutherford, which in turn was Professor Hans Geiger. How do you rate fact that scientific research training to students? Find out what happens in the Faculties of Science English.

2 - In the words of Rutherford, "all science, or is physics or stamp collecting is" . In 1908, he was awarded the Nobel Prize of Chemistry. His reaction was really curious "I have changed many times in my life, but never so sharp as in the physical metamorphosis of chemical" . What are the differences between physics and chemistry? Gives an interpretation to both sentences of the scientist, why do you think he received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry and not for physics?

3-Find out about the biography of Nikola Tesla . What were your major contributions to physics? What scientific disputes remained with Edison and Marconi ? We recommend a movie: The Prestige. The plot of this movie describes very well the mixture of magic and science that prevailed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Optional Work up note: Make a timeline with key scientific facts of this period.

4 - Throughout the chapter descriptions happen about the discovery of various physical phenomena (which can and should add to the timeline) that will be crucial in the development of twentieth century society and still very relevant today. Respond briefly (only in the book would be enough for this point, except the links indicated) to the following series of questions (referring to the scientists involved):
4a) What is the difference fluorescence of phosphorescence?
4b) What are X-rays? How do you find?
4c) What is Radioactivity? How was it discovered?
4d) Why were important contributions Curies Rutherford and the work of Becquerel?
4e) What are alpha, beta and gamma? Sort them energetically.
4f) What is the law of atomic decay? Why is used as a method of geological dating? Working optional: Research on carbon-14
4g) What is a Geiger counter ?

5 - Explain how you conducted the experiment of Rutherford. If you want, you can do with a little video, to simulate the experiment. Why not work with Mica, yes with gold leaf and was greatly improved with platinum bread? Says the phrase "It como si se disparara un obús naval de buen calibre sobre una hoja de papel y rebotara" .

6- Describe el modelo de Rutherford y sus limitaciones. ¿Por qué el equipo de Rutherford se puede considerar el padre de la interacción nuclear (piensa en qué lo ocurriría a los protones si no existiera dicha interacción)? ¿Qué son las 4 interacciones fundamentales de la naturaleza?

7- Crea tu propio "escudo científico" (buscando tu propio lema científico) as he did when he was named Baron Rutherford.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Reconsideration Letter For University

My Health 2.0

@ emilienko said in the last entry his blog that Health 2.0 is not a clearly defined concept and therefore its meaning varies depending on who uses it. He claims that while some believe is a change in the doctor-patient relationship, others think it's an open door to disclosure bidirectional health and disease and others that it is a good way to facilitate communication between the professionals themselves.

Although practice this last of the "meanings" Health 2.0 is for me something different. If for 2.0 internet revolution has meant the creation of content by users, something previously limited to professionals and computer enthusiasts, the Health 2.0 should be another revolution, very nearly as much as the advent of antibiotics.

In this regard I believe in a Health 2.0 bring significant new features to the way we diagnose and treat our patients. As in the revolution of the web does not necessarily mean the modulation of the regulatory mechanisms of the body externally, something we have already achieved with the current pharmacopoeia, but must also involve access to content creation and editing to achieve change in the way working the body, optimizing their performance and encouraging the addition of new tools and new routes from existing ones. The mechanisms for this are in every one of us. It only remains to identify them and use them, and although it does not seem an easy task, sure that somehow many of you are already on it.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Avs4you Lizenzschlüssel Free

I bit the apple and found myself in hell and it was time

Apple offers very few products good finishes and capabilities, capacity has been placed in one of the top of the ranking of electronics companies by sales volume not only fans but also unconditional.

I confess I've ever wavered and their products have tempted me. However, since 2007, keep an aversion to the company, especially when you have to believe in the compatibility with operating systems outside of Apple itself. The reason: to find such flaws in the Safari 3 Beta, which advertised themselves as " The world's best browser, Now on Windows, too" . Needless to say I have not tested a version of Safari. Here's a video I recorded with my experiences.

On the contrary, if I use Opera, a browser that is fast and free options like Opera incredible Unite, a service that lets you convert your PC into a mini-server, hosting Websites and can receive files from the Internet. If you like the web 2.0'll also like Opera.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Comic Kamehasutra Bulma

Today was a different day, not because my work as a resident has changed significantly over days or because they have noticed one of those extremely rare syndromes in the population. No, perhaps my experience is not worthy to be published in Annals of ... " or similar but I use this space to share the feelings that I experienced this morning when the time has come, where I've gone from being an apprentice, something that seven years had been accustomed, if not all my life, to be partly responsible for medical education of a student's career.

In the absence of attachment and my Coerr of Pediatrics, Pharmacy resident rotating with us before us. The guy was a tall, majete at first sight and I suppose less quiet than as the plant showed infants. My impression was good and everything was natural. However, while finished look on the computer results, it appeared that idea, that feeling of having crossed the line and walking not only looking forward but looking back and seeing where they go those coming back.

I do not know if I've been a good teacher and I have encouraged some to ask, who should take the first step? What knowledge and skills I can teach you, if I'm spinning there for that very reason, to learn? It may be a matter of curiosity and experience, because the only question most likely teachers made precisely the resident of Pharmacy, which is R4 and knows what it ignores, and what you learn.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Gidles Push Up For Men

The current word from Dr. William Osler

few days ago I rediscovered a book that took more than a year on my shelf waiting to be opened. Perhaps many of you regard him home and me, you have not paid attention. This is a compilation of speeches of Dr. William Osler who until now for me it was only eponym for various diseases, too, I thought some of those moments of greedy and shallow study to overcome the MIR; but nothing more. Today however I deny the wrong attitude and I wonder why not me more interested in the adventures of a person as appellant in the medical books.

And beginning to read his writings and speeches, I found the answer could not be more convincing: good books, as lessons are wise only if we are willing to look. So, I have gradually been introduced into a landscape of lessons, feelings and emotions that one hundred years after being described are still valid, as the way to learn medicine and their teaching to practice, more modern times, that we want today. Keep reading, I'll keep learning.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Best 3-9x40 Rifle Scope

Tip: Entry Draft

"Prisa mata" - Moroccan proverb.
We should not hurry to make our blog posts. Once published, no longer private. When we have not finished writing or revising an entry (because before publishing, we should make sure that the spelling is correct, the wording makes sense, no errors, in order to re-read what was written), can save it as a SAVE NOW draft. You can then edit (EDIT INPUT) and supplemented. Although Entries can also be edited once published, Victor and I will read once each entry, and once made the comments, we will not reread. You must bear in mind that you are many and leads a lot of effort and time. You should also monitor the colors that you write, otherwise contrast, it is difficult to read them (and the paper suffers.)
Another thing you must remember is that entries should not give the feeling of being in response to a questionnaire they must give the impression that establecéis your own conclusions on the proposed task. In this way we give a more personal touch to work and makes more sense for someone to read it without knowing what it's all about.

below are links to entries that can serve as a guide:


How To Word Vegetarian Option On Invite


As you have read Chapter 8 of the book, the tenacity of Robert Millikan led him to enter the "hall of fame" of Science for his wonderful experiment drop of oil with which to measure followed the electron charge. He was honored in 1923 with the Nobel Prize , "for his work on the elementary charge of electricity and the photoelectric effect ". It was a fantastic teacher who was awarded more than 25 universities as honorary professor. His contribution to the scientific world was not limited to the discovery for which he received the Nobel, but certainly the beauty and genius of this simple experiment is capable of awe even today. I imagine the oil droplets, as "small parachute" falling, climbing or levitating depending on the outcome of the struggle of the three forces at work: Electric Force (to be electrically charged drop) and friction with the medium (air) versus gravitational force (weight drop).

The proposed activity is the publication of a joint entry in your blog to answer the following questions (for this you can use the information provided in the form of videos, images and hyperlinks). The deadline to publish the blog entry is Monday, 18 October :

1 - Explanation of the hypothesis about the vitreous fluid Symmer (+) and the fluid resinous (-) from the point of view of your knowledge of the electrostatic . You can include your own photos or videos of small experiments electrostatic (remember what we studied last year in Technology) .

2 - Explain the operation of a discharge tube . Why Thomson managed to deflect the cathode rays? How does the rarefied gas pressure inside?

3 - Explain the Thomson model of the atom and investigates why it is not a viable model by later discoveries.

4 - Millikan worked at the University of Chicago under the command of Albert Michelson . Briefly describe the experiment which is famous researcher. What is ether? Do you think their existence remains a viable hypothesis?

5 - Can you explain, according to the Bohr model why X-rays ionize the droplets of oil?

6 - Describe the Millikan experiment . propose the following optional work : performs the experiment in this web and presents the results you have obtained (graphs, calculations, etc ...).

7 - What is the photoelectric effect ? You can teach any current application of this phenomenon whose theoretical explanation, Albert Einstein received the Nobel Prize. Millikan also verified experimentally Einstein's hypothesis that although said it "lacks a satisfactory theoretical basis" .

8 - Why do you think it's interesting that scientists take a few years in other research centers other than those that formed?

9 - Why is it recommended (or not) read popular science books?

10 - Build Your Own reused materials atomic model (Thomson, Rutherford and Bohr) and hangs on your blog a photo spread of him (photo, video or video montage). A Here I present my model of "pizza acietunas" Thomson Atom:

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Women Breast Feeding Man


The first activity we will develop in our blog will be an analysis of the cover . To do this we will focus on three points:
  1. Book Title: Reading the introduction, we give an explanation of the title with particular emphasis on the subtitle "the ten most beautiful experiments in physics." How were they chosen? Why? Is the book a thread? What motives could have this book in the subject? Why is it important to know the History of Science? Do you know any of the experiments before reading the book? Do you know any of the scientists before reading the book? What do you suggest this experience?
  2. Analysis of illustration: Explain what you suggest.
  3. Finding information about the author: Manuel Lozano Leyva .
    disponéis To perform this activity until Monday 27 September.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wedding Cheesecake Decoration

Creating our first blog.

The first is to create a gmail email account (one each) and send an email to your professor indicating your identity.

Already have your gmail account? Then you are ready to create your first blog.
is important to understand who the members of your team.
next thing you have to do is follow the steps that you indicated in blogger. The blog is created by one of you and you can instantly invite others to receive an email with the invitation . have to click a link and you created the blog author may give them privileges. We're ready to start working.
When you have created your blog, you should get in touch with your teacher (Angel and Victor) via email to indicate the link and names of contributors (you have to add the page element "Profile") of the blog. In this way we get in the friends list of blogs.
is necessary that the blog meets the following minimum requirements:

  1. have a title and a presentation.
  2. blog entries to be your work. Should be open to feedback as this we will contact you.
  3. List of contributors to right.
  4. A blog archive on the right.

A Blog is a lively website and best of all is that you can be working as a team each from his home and at the same time. How cool is that?!
Each time you want to make changes to the blog you have but to go to and enter your gmail email and password.

experience, learn and collaborate. Soon we'll be teaching possibilities that we had not noticed.

Your blog has to be operational on Tuesday, September 14.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Nursing Reaction Papers

Spring Wallpapers

In keeping with the season looming, here are some options for wallpapers for your PC.

Blocked Nose Upon Waking

"Funeral" for Internet Explorer 6

If you still use this browser and you should consider upgrading to the latest version because it is not supported and safety There are practically no better navigation option you should consider is the Mozilla Firefox browser because besides giving you greater navigation safety has a lot of plugins and issues.

"... The site TechCrunch points out that unfortunately, IE6 will not disappear completely, and YouTube will continue supporting it until 13 March, besides hundreds of other sites that still work with this browser, or even, are specially designed for him.

But despite all attempts to industry try to get rid of Internet Explorer 6, people are still using it, according to figures from StatCounter, is still used by almost 12% of all computers the world. "

taken part

Note: This