Thursday, November 30, 2006

I Feel Wet Just Before My Period

Trojan to connect your USB memory

I do not deign to post anything until I happened to have fights with my USB stick and share with you the situation. Apparently

connect the memory like that, I realize that there is a problem until trying to disconnect notice went out the classic "Can not stop the device", I thought it left open a file that was the problem but not proceeded with the classic Ctrl + Alt + Delete and found a process called KOfcpfwSvcs.exe: o

"The problem is that you can not navigate your drive when you try to give click in windows explorer using only leaves you the option to explore and allow you to use the safe remove software says you can not be removed here is the method that was used to remove this! Need

go into My Computer then Tools -> Folder Options -> Choose the tab View -> Show hidden files active -> and uncheck Hide protected files you go System to your USB drive and delete the two hidden files that appear "autorun.ini" and folder "RECYCLER" , then delete the KOfcpfwSvcs.exe system32 "(Information taken from Blog of a Pleiadian)

There are similar problems if I run into a" will notify you jolinez "..: P

Thursday, November 9, 2006

Choppers Female Models

inding some pages that bring some interesting things to add emoticons in your conversations .... Greetings to the band pachyderm ....:) here the links to the pages.

Gifmania Animated Messenger
The Emotik

Seguire posting about designs: s (I have not posted because only selected material will be made)