Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sayings To Write On Wedding Programs

What Google knows Medical Records? Here come the drugs

At this point in the XXI century the health authorities finally been put to work and are most and least are prepared, if not using the tools of ICT in the day to day care to patients. But the road to EHR has been neither an easy still. The main difficulty faced by developers is the inconsistency or inability to export the data from each patient at each point of care, because they differ utiilizan programs at each hospital, even within the same region and the same health area.

Other problems have to do with the actual design of the HCE program. The programs that I could get to know so far (in my Hospital) are limited to specialties index for each of the reports made to a patient resulting from the different periods of hospitalization or consultation in the emergency department, regardless what happens in consultations and primary care specialties, that is, leaving us with digital access to such health events that have happened to a patient in each of the longest and most important periods for HEALTH (in capitals), which is none other than stay at home and their integration into society.
Other models, developed in the shadow of American private health system essentially have been conceived from a perspective diametrically opposed. Since the patient is not only patient but customer, and because it can go one day at a hospital and following a consultation with a thousand miles away, is the patient who can fill their own medical records with data and reports you are providing physicians with those obtained from devices such as blood pressure, capillary blood glucose measuring devices or scales, etc. In this line both Google with Google Health and Microsoft with HealthVault have developed programs accessible from any computer connected to the Internet for patient-consumer will enter the data from their various consultations and can show the doctors I need to see.

Another approach is the network of "social" Patients Like Me, a website where patients share the same pathology data on disability and the progression of their disease, with almost daily updates. Patients can see their progress (or regression) for themselves over time and compared with other patients, thus accessing information about their condition "equals", which can then be anonymized and exported to the Health Sector, collecting data for R + D + i. No

HCE model so far has managed to remove the final barrier to its implementation, which is the interconnection and portability of data to other systems, however, making a superficial overview of some of the designs, I try to improve easier HCE our system of collecting the different ideas applied in each of them:

  • A linear model based on a time scale that emphasizes simple and visual way the most important events of all the attention in the Healthcare System so far and upcoming consultations mentioned above.
  • A HCE program valid for the entire attendance area, including data on episodes of hospitalization, primary care, specialty, emergency, additional tests and treatments prescribed.

  • An architecture that allows further analysis of all data, compared with other patients, not to lose any data and facilitate research.

  • An approach consistent with the national model of health, in which the clinical history is written and directed by health care professionals but also open to participation patient's fundamental actor in the care process.

  • This opening up of the patients medical history could illuminate, as it does in the American models, the dark period between consultation and consultation or hospitalization and hospitalization. Open history, or a part thereof, to patients, could thus provide us with new symptoms and know in depth the capabilities or limitations of patients in their usual social environment and could serve, if we manage to use rationality to advance , delay or include further consultation on any of the levels of care.

any event, the EHR has been, fortunately, to stay between us and sometimes even more tedious to find a free computer to write updates to every patient who only a pen and a paper, ICT will eventually be imposed for its many advantages (especially for R + D + i) versus traditional ways. It would therefore be very interesting to watch and take note of the positions that the giants of the computing and communication have taken on this matter.


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