All my life counting years
These days, as referred to @ emilienko in last entry, enter new medical training system MIR, and time, a new breed of specialists will be exocytic the hospital where have been developed to embrace the full responsibility for their professional work. Meanwhile
downstream residents, as if we were anointed with oil magic since our year of residence to R immediately above adquirendo new roles and skills by the grace of the natural physical law by which our planet takes 365 days to re-achieve a given point in his walks around the Sun
seen the change that we have prepared, the question arises whether the fact of having spent 365 days in a series of rotations are prepared for greater responsibility and a whole new series of authority. Also on whether those capabilities we have managed to develop before or not, or some other and some do not. And I wonder why I carry all my life counting the years? Why not focus on what really matters? Are we or are we not able? Do we need all the same time to learn some skills? "It has been estimated at as high or low? If the Earth takes 500 days to circle the Sun, "also would promote the whim of celestial mechanics? Today
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