Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Occupational Therapy Soapnote


already said Archimedes: "A body immersed in a fluid experiences a vertical and upward thrust equal to the weight of the volume of fluid evacuated." Normally
us learn by heart and in many cases we fail to understand the principle not to make a comprehensive reading of text sentences. The implications of this principle are profound, and we will unravel it, is there anything more beautiful than to come to the knowledge of the principles and laws of physics through understanding? And to achieve this understanding, what better way than through experimentation.

But before you start ... Have you read Chapter 1 of the book to read? Thus responding to following questionnaire (remember that this part is a single task and do not forget to send him to the end) :

< p >

From here it is a task to be performed by all team members blog. With the data, calculations, videos, graphics, etc generaréis a new entry in your blog that will be common for everyone s taxpayers. For organizational reasons aesthetic while we recommend that you use the equation editor including online or Writer. Do the equation, formula you give to show you just have to save as an image. If you use Excel or any table you want to backup something on the screen and then put it on the blog, I recommend the MWSnap used to make screenshots. Always keep the images. Jpg and thus avoid problems when uploading.
also recommend that you enrich the entry with pictures, videos, links and everything you can think of that might make it more interesting. In particular we give you the right to reproduce our images in your entries so that all who read them know where they come from the data. Remember that it is doing something with a format as away from possible answers as if it were a questionnaire. Give a separate entity.

The following experiment we present is beautiful in its simplicity.

First observe the following images as tools we use:

dynamometer, balance and size.

1. Describe its characteristics. Pay special attention to the difference between precision and accuracy. Could you say what the accuracy of each device? (Save images in your computer so that you can see in a larger size)
For this you can be based on point 4 of the textbook (page 12) and the links you have at your disposal in Section 5.4 of Moodle.

2. What are the units in which they measured the weight, mass and volume? Which ones are fundamental values \u200b\u200band how / what are derivatives? Expresses the dimensional equation in / the case / s may be appropriate.
To better understand the concept of unity and the International System of Units (SI) should read you the paragraph 1 (pages 8 and 9) of your textbook and view the websites that you have access to in paragraph 5.1 of Moodle.

Now we raise the problem: we have two metal spheres of different densities but the same volume and weigh them first,

As you can see the silver dial has a mass of 68.5 g while black dial has a mass of 22.5 g. Then suspend

both areas of a dynamometer by means of a rope, which we consider negligible mass, and we take as indicated in Newtons (remember that if you save you can see them bigger)
The left image in both cases (Black dial and silver dial) is a general view of the assembly and the one on the right is a more short to make the measurement. Note that the dynamometer can measure a maximum of Newton after each subdivision worth 0.02 Newtons.

3. Before proceeding with the calculations must read sections 2 and 3 of textbook (pages 9 and 10) and consult the websites that you have at your disposal in Sections 5.2 and 5.3 of the platform.
then calculate the mass of the spheres using the equation for the weight W = mg (take g = 9.8 m / s ^ 2. Pay attention to the significant figures utilizais, using scientific notation, rounded properly. The entry must show all calculations you to realize and their development (not just the results) Compare the data obtained with the scale marks, is there a discrepancy in the results? At what may be due the differences?

With a size we measured the diameter of both areas as can be seen in the images (remember that you can keep and expand) the result is the same but what is the value in cm? Learn to make measurements with the caliber here .

4. Already you have the diameter measurements of both areas? Needless to say, then you will calculate the volume of these, and finally with the experimental data of the mass obtained in section 2 we can calculate the density of each sphere (d = m / V) Remember that you present the complete calculations respecting the rules for significant figures, using scientific notation and applying the correct rounding.
In a display of research effort possible to find materials that correspond with the densities obtained.

5. We go with the hardest part but first listen carefully to the video that follows:

is easy to deduce the push (click on drive), in Newtons, for both areas if we consider that the thrust is the force "vertical and up" that has made the dynamometer in both cases mark a lower value. To better understand the concept would do the experiences proposals and put together your conclusions (not to be included in the entry)
Note down the values \u200b\u200bobserved in the video (mind you in the book because I made some error with decimals)

These two numbers you got are the experimental values \u200b\u200bof thrust but every good scientist should compare the results with theoretical predictions. Calculate the theoretical value of the thrust areas for both knowing that the density of water is 1 g/cm3. The answer lies in understanding the principle of Archimedes .

Compare the results with the experimental values \u200b\u200band try to explain the discrepancies if any.

Finally, it is always advisable, both from an aesthetic and formal, definitive conclusions.
tickets should be be published in your blog on Monday 7 March.

Friday, February 4, 2011

What Card Can I Do With A Sore Knee.

Personalized Medicine: the end of the healing art or an unprecedented revolution 2.0

Yesterday I went to meet one of these posters hanging nobody knows who or when, but inviting to stop for a minute in the busy hospital life. And thank goodness I read it because it announced a conference-debate ( View Medical Journal News in 04/02/2011) to be held the same day afternoon. The talk question was about Personalized Medicine, and invited speakers, illustrious in their fields, as asserted by the fact that the conference was sponsored nothing more and nothing less than the Latin American editor of Nature . So I put aside my chores and I decided to attend evening.

The decision could not be better. There was much talk about the trial and error method of treatment failure, medical education, global health policy, genetics and web 2.0. The idea he came home was that personalized medicine is intended to be a new therapeutic paradigm based in determinations of native and altered genome of the cells of a patient, designed to show your body's response against the range of treatments known to achieve an efficient model of health, which is based treatment with evidence that drugs administered have the desired effect and be the best available for the patient.

The vision they offered, I think unintentionally, was that of the demise of Medicine as an art model, as an expression of wisdom to the discretion of the individual, to become merely a scheduled execution, determined solely by genome and epigenome of each patient, where the reasoning and intuition have no place and the figure of the doctor loses its therapeutic effect. Personalized Medicine will hang many gowns. Patients do not want a blood count and biochemistry, not an X-ray, and even less surface exploration at the hands of one person. Want a complete study of the alphabet of its own existence, and as they say, it may take less than a decade of little more than half a dollar value today.

Perhaps that is the future of our profession. If true, we expect some exciting and wonderful years. However, although deeply excite me all these changes, I'll be this Saturday on duty in the ER, I have taken note and will try to do their best to fill gaps in medicine today with affection and compassion that may miss tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Should You Wax Straight After A Shower?


To continue the MIR Project 2.0 and thanks to comments by Dr. Ismael Ejarque, medical geneticist, published in my blog the answers to the questions of Genetics of the MIR examination this year.

VERSION 1: Q 199: A woman (Consultant) 31 years of age and asymptomatic, presents gestation of 10 weeks according to ultrasound (primipara). His younger brother (index case) of 26 years is affected ataxia and genetically diagnosed as heterozygous carrier of a mutation expansive than 70 CAG repeats in the SCA3 gene (chromosome 14). The Consultant is derived from the genetic counseling clinic that values \u200b\u200bpossible chorion biopsy to study the fetal genotype. Is this invasive procedure as described pre-natal diagnosis (PND) in this case?

1. Is indicated after studying the genotype of the consultant and only if it is heterozygous.
2. There is no indication, as the ataxia SCA3 penetrance is complete and the consultant is asymptomatic and therefore did not inherit the mutation.
3. Can be indicated in the next pregnancy, after studying the genotype of the first child and to detect the mutation in it.
4. The ataxia SCA3 is recessive, so there is no appreciable risk of disease transmission and DPN is not indicated.
5. Is indicated whatever the genotype of the Consultant, as the ataxia SCA3 is maternally inherited (inherited from females).

The SCA3 is the spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 also called Machado-Joseph disease. It is caused by mutations in the gene ATXN3 by the mechanism of triplet repeat expansion of CAG. The affections are between 52 and 86 CAG repeats in heterozygosity with complete penetrance.

who has the mutation in heterozygosity with the disease since its herecia pattern is autosomal dominant. In this clinical case, with the disease and has the heterozygous mutated gene is the brother (aged 26) of pregnant women.

do think that before chorion biopsy should do the study to the pregnant woman to know what is their status in terms of gene ATXN3. She has a 50% percent chance of carrying the mutation and the disease, but being 31 years old I think he should have had symptoms. However, I do genetic testing to pregnant women to heal in health. If you leave without mutation, there would be more to do because they no longer transmit the disease. If you were carrying the mutation, then we would chorion biopsy.

Responses 1 and 2 are both true, but I think the answer 1 is more certain than the 2.

More information on this link:

In this link you can see the nomenclature of the gene and the gene is said SCA3 is the same as saying ATXN3 gene:

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Kristal Summer Address

Genetics Questions Immunology Questions

This blog is added to the MIR Project 2.0 to correct the quiz this year's MIR collaboratively among professionals in the field Twit-Blog & Health. Below are three questions of Immunology and reasoned explanation of the answers that I correct. In the coming days also publish the answers to the questions of genetics, for which count on the collaboration of Dr. Ejarque, FCM specialist, Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Genetics MIR Italian.

Immunology Questions:

VERSION 1: QUESTION 207: selective depletion of T cells with monoclonal antibodies anti-CD3 complement fixing is useful in:

1. Ell preventing graft rejection in allogeneic or histoincompatible.
2. Induction of specific immunity to viral infections.
3. Generation of cytotoxic cells and natural killer (NK, Natural Killer).
4. Induction of specific foul against intracellular bacteria.
5. Prevention of acquired and innate immune defenses.

Monoclonal antibodies are immunoglobulin molecules of identical specificity produced in the laboratory following the merger of selected B cell with a normally functioning cell myeloma. This question is only necessary to know that the Cluster of Differentiation 3 (CD3) is a marker of T lymphocytes, and that if we introduce specific antibodies (eg OKT3), we will be marking the T lymphocytes as a target to eliminate the own immune system, so they get a depletion and hence a result of immunosuppression. The correct answer would be number 1 because if we can inhibit the T lymphocytes would not take place against acute rejection antigens do not own that carry the transplanted tissue, which is a rejection mechanism mainly orchestrated by T lymphocytes The other options would be false once defined the mechanism of action of anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody.

VERSION 1: Q 209: What molecules or immune system cells used in its initial phase the immune response of a healthy individual against a microorganism which has not previously infected
1 . IgG antibodies with high affinity for peptidoglycan antigens.
2. TH2 lymphocytes in the lymph nodes.
3. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CD3 + CD8 +).
4. -Like receptors "toll" (TLR) phagocytes.
5. The circulating memory T cells.

To correctly answer this question we need to know the function at the time of the cells and molecules in the defense against invading antigens not previously identified. It should be clear to do that faster and initial responses to intrusions of this kind are those that are less effective and less specific, which are by definition the answers provided by innate immunity mechanisms. Taking this concept present rule out the option 1 (adaptive immunity), option 2 (adaptive immunity), option 3 (immunity adaptive) and Option 5 (no circulating memory T cells). The correct answer would be option 4, it is the only one of the boards that mentioned a mechanism of innate immunity. TLRs are pattern recognition receptors expressed by leucocytes and microorganisms in general and not your own cells. TLRs induce an intracellular signaling cascade that induces the secretion of cytokines such as TNF, IL.1, IL-12, etc and the expression of costimulatory molecules such as CD80 to participate in the development of a more specific defense strategy against invading organism .

VERSION 1: 222 Q: Which of the following driving positive selection of thymocytes?

1. Self-tolerance to self proteins.
2. Clonal deletion.
3. Autoimmunity against self proteins.
4. Restriction by histocompatibility molecules themselves.
5. Immunization against intracellular pathogens.

Positive selection is a control procedure in the process of T cell maturation that ensures the survival of those thymocytes that recognize self-MHC molecules. Thymocytes are cells immature CD4 + CD8 + that have been produced without any contact with antigens. In their maturation have only been able to express a TCR that interacts weakly with MHC molecules of thymic epithelial cells are selected to circumvent the programmed cell death and continue the maturing process. This mecansimo is known as positive selection and gives rise to thymocytes expressing a TCR able to recognize and interact weakly with self-MHC molecules. The correct answer is option 4. Option 1, incorrect in this question refers to the result of another process in the maturation of thymocytes, negative selection, which involves induction cell death that despite those thymocytes expressing a TCR that recognizes and interacts with self-MHC molecules, it does so through high affinity interactions, thus preventing the production of highly reactive T cells against their own structures (self-tolerance.)