ACTIVITY 2: RUTHERFORD, the atomic nucleus
Ernest Rutherford is one of the great figures of science. Perhaps more important than his own discoveries was the great legacy of scientists trained in that glorious era of physics that goes from the last quarter nineteenth century to the first quarter of the twentieth century. Being able to be in the elite of scientific knowledge, at par, to transmit this knowledge to wider society, is really commendable. And in that regard Rutherford was also an ace. Surely this attitude popularizer of science has much to do, as you may have read in the chapter, with its origins in a very distant (physically and socially) colony (remember he was born in the nineteenth century). Rutherford was to bring science to the average citizen of his time taking his mysticism in which he wraps his experimental and mathematical procedure. You, as students taking Physics and Chemistry You are required to soak in this mysticism , you are initiated into the art of knowing the experimental methods and mathematical sciences that give these wonderful answers to new questions based on cause.
Perhaps you've ever had the feeling of living in a "magical society" : I give a button and turn on the TV, keep instant contact with the rest of the world regardless of distance, I have all the music a single click, but I can not understand how these devices. It's like a "technological sect" direct my life. Well, if you keep studying these wonderful science one day come to be able to be part of that "sect" , and perhaps, hopefully, be amongst those who think like Rutherford (not to belittle the waiter): "If you explain to a waiter you're doing and do not understand, how poor is not the waiter, but what you're doing " .
This activity, performed by members of the blog (remember all the comments about group work), will appear in your blog deadline on Monday November 15 .
1 - As you have read JJ Thomson was a professor of Rutherford, which in turn was Professor Hans Geiger. How do you rate fact that scientific research training to students? Find out what happens in the Faculties of Science English.
2 - In the words of Rutherford, "all science, or is physics or stamp collecting is" . In 1908, he was awarded the Nobel Prize of Chemistry. His reaction was really curious "I have changed many times in my life, but never so sharp as in the physical metamorphosis of chemical" . What are the differences between physics and chemistry? Gives an interpretation to both sentences of the scientist, why do you think he received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry and not for physics?
3-Find out about the biography of Nikola Tesla . What were your major contributions to physics? What scientific disputes remained with Edison and Marconi ? We recommend a movie: The Prestige. The plot of this movie describes very well the mixture of magic and science that prevailed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Optional Work up note: Make a timeline with key scientific facts of this period.
4 - Throughout the chapter descriptions happen about the discovery of various physical phenomena (which can and should add to the timeline) that will be crucial in the development of twentieth century society and still very relevant today. Respond briefly (only in the book would be enough for this point, except the links indicated) to the following series of questions (referring to the scientists involved):
4a) What is the difference fluorescence of phosphorescence?
4b) What are X-rays? How do you find?
4c) What is Radioactivity? How was it discovered?
4d) Why were important contributions Curies Rutherford and the work of Becquerel?
4e) What are alpha, beta and gamma? Sort them energetically.
4f) What is the law of atomic decay? Why is used as a method of geological dating? Working optional: Research on carbon-14
4g) What is a Geiger counter ?
5 - Explain how you conducted the experiment of Rutherford. If you want, you can do with a little video, to simulate the experiment. Why not work with Mica, yes with gold leaf and was greatly improved with platinum bread? Says the phrase "It como si se disparara un obús naval de buen calibre sobre una hoja de papel y rebotara" .
6- Describe el modelo de Rutherford y sus limitaciones. ¿Por qué el equipo de Rutherford se puede considerar el padre de la interacción nuclear (piensa en qué lo ocurriría a los protones si no existiera dicha interacción)? ¿Qué son las 4 interacciones fundamentales de la naturaleza?
7- Crea tu propio "escudo científico" (buscando tu propio lema científico) as he did when he was named Baron Rutherford.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Reconsideration Letter For University
My Health 2.0
@ emilienko said in the last entry his blog that Health 2.0 is not a clearly defined concept and therefore its meaning varies depending on who uses it. He claims that while some believe is a change in the doctor-patient relationship, others think it's an open door to disclosure bidirectional health and disease and others that it is a good way to facilitate communication between the professionals themselves.
Although practice this last of the "meanings" Health 2.0 is for me something different. If for 2.0 internet revolution has meant the creation of content by users, something previously limited to professionals and computer enthusiasts, the Health 2.0 should be another revolution, very nearly as much as the advent of antibiotics.
In this regard I believe in a Health 2.0 bring significant new features to the way we diagnose and treat our patients. As in the revolution of the web does not necessarily mean the modulation of the regulatory mechanisms of the body externally, something we have already achieved with the current pharmacopoeia, but must also involve access to content creation and editing to achieve change in the way working the body, optimizing their performance and encouraging the addition of new tools and new routes from existing ones. The mechanisms for this are in every one of us. It only remains to identify them and use them, and although it does not seem an easy task, sure that somehow many of you are already on it.
@ emilienko said in the last entry his blog that Health 2.0 is not a clearly defined concept and therefore its meaning varies depending on who uses it. He claims that while some believe is a change in the doctor-patient relationship, others think it's an open door to disclosure bidirectional health and disease and others that it is a good way to facilitate communication between the professionals themselves.
Although practice this last of the "meanings" Health 2.0 is for me something different. If for 2.0 internet revolution has meant the creation of content by users, something previously limited to professionals and computer enthusiasts, the Health 2.0 should be another revolution, very nearly as much as the advent of antibiotics.
In this regard I believe in a Health 2.0 bring significant new features to the way we diagnose and treat our patients. As in the revolution of the web does not necessarily mean the modulation of the regulatory mechanisms of the body externally, something we have already achieved with the current pharmacopoeia, but must also involve access to content creation and editing to achieve change in the way working the body, optimizing their performance and encouraging the addition of new tools and new routes from existing ones. The mechanisms for this are in every one of us. It only remains to identify them and use them, and although it does not seem an easy task, sure that somehow many of you are already on it.
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