Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Which Canon Printer Did Bella Use In You Moon

Fiesta rave! Anti-crisis

rave party!
to start the year with all
Friday 27
Fac Cs. Exact
Physics (50 and 115)

My Acoustic Solution Tv Keeps Turning Itself Off

against unity and organization crisis
No more whispering!
Specific policies to the social emergency:

wage job and Prohibition of layoffs for two years
closed factory = factory busy and start to produce more workers
salary equal to the basket to the precariousness
No: wage and spend money to plant the contract / asBasta subsidies to the rich, real income redistribution
income for all unemployed families (it reaches to live)
Social rate of transport and public services.
Elimination of VAT on food

Friday, 27 February 13 hs.
from the corner of 7 and 50
Concentration and March to City Hall and the Governor
to reject the increased transport with the Assembly

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hayete Meaning In Arabic

NO to police in the University

On Wednesday evening, several Federal police agents in civilian clothes, entered by force Buffet Center of Medical Students and occupied, with a court order for eviction of dubious origin requested by the dean, he continues the current dean of qualifying income by more than the Reform of the Statute of the University prohibits the kind of restrictions. Immediately

School concentrated large numbers of students and from Popular Front COPA Dario Santillan (Presidencia de la Federación Universitaria de La Plata) approached us to support the medical education community and to defend the meeting place for medical students, and result of any and all students of the UNLP. On arrival there was a large assembly (which had teachers) who got the police to withdraw under pressure from the more than 200 people demanding explanations and punish those responsible.

is very sad and disturbing to note that in the vicinity of the Faculty of Medicine had parked next to the patrol Ford Falcons with glasses polarized, with the symbolic connotation that implies that, given that vehicles were used during the last dictatorship, by the oppressors, to abduct and disappear people. And it becomes more sinister when reviewing the list of teachers and staff are people from the dictatorship serving in that Faculty.

The meeting decided to mobilize Rector, there was a meeting with two ministers who gave no response. Pressure, because the gravity of the facts could not support that university officials were declared "not qualified" and we get called Gustavo Aspiazu (Rector of the UNLP) by phone and we granted a meeting juevesa for 18hs, which was not present.

We must remember that this is not the first time that the police operate in the University: in 2007 the election of the Rector was carried out with a police operation over 500 infantry troops 300km from the city of silver, and is not the first time that the authorities punish or interfere with the trade organization of students: the Faculty of Law, a student was summarily to defend their rights (forgive the redundancy and notice the irony) and last year Architecture radical management change will lock the buffet
Let not suppress the student organization, meeting spaces, involving our union bodies. These actions should be repudiated by the entire school community.

* No Federal Police at the University
* No income qualifying in medicine. Respect for the Reform of the Statute
* Call a Superior Council
* Punishment for the Dean of Medicine
* Resolution typifying the buffet areas, bike rack, photocopier, and local points of Student Centers are the Center Students, inalienable property.
* That any officer of the dictatorship taught at the UNLP
Village Education does not sell, we support!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Toy Milk Tanker For Sale

Start the dining room! Join

from Wednesday 4 to Friday 13 ticket will be sold for lunch in the dining hall during the fortnight from 16 to 27 February.

At first only work 120 Boulevard headquarters between 60 and 61 and the University Club on Calle 46 between 2 and 3. Thanks to the student struggle everyday value menu will continue to be a burden.

Tickets can be purchased in their housings, Monday to Friday from 11.30 to 13.30. To purchase tickets, I submit the book university regular student or certificate, or proof of registration in case of 2009 entrants.

noisily got 2 years ago the dining room,

we need to continue moving to have the dining room at night!