Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Rotronic Driver For 12.02.1086

Virus Latosos

Greetings sailors who by chance came to this blog or whatever, s are wellcome .... the reason for this post was the meeting with a situation that happened and I could not solve .... they
story is as follows (words taken from solutions http://www.mygeekside.com )

Removing USB memory virus: amvo and Avpo

A virus that appeared these days on the network the company where I work, which spreads via USB flash drives. Most antivirus not detected and if detected, they could not remove properly.

I designed a small script that removes the virus VisualBasicScript automatically and all infected units. This script also has been tested on several machines infected and successfully cleaned up the infection.

And you can download here

Complete instructions you can check in mygeekside

Greetings and Happy Fiesta passing s. ...

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Hire An Adult Film Star Nyc

Create your own T-shirts with a logo


paper sticker (sticker, sticker). It is available in any stationery store. Buy the cheapest and find current, paper quality does not matter what we need. Spray paint

ordinary (there is special paint for shirts but I've never tried).

a cutter or preferably an exact (pen-shaped cutter.)


sticker Prints on page 3 of the design (beware of the side of the sheet on which you print, do a test on plain paper to see how you have to put in the tray).

Cut the dotted line.

Put a cardboard or very thick paper inside the shirt. This is to prevent paint from leaking to the other side. If you can, wrap the shirt in the carton to make sure not to paint anything that does not want.

Peel the protective paper sticker and paste it where you want to paint the design. Covered with leaves or newspaper the rest of the shirt that is exposed (and the table or the floor where you do).

Spray paint away from the shirt, use as little paint as possible and do not spray at the same point more than a second (you can spend a second or third coat of paint, just do not try to do everything in one pass). If you use lots of paint, be stiff when dry.

Wait a few minutes to dry and remove the stencil.

That's it. Lava T-shirt and, if you used lots of paint, Put very soothing.

to see the images they have available enter this link:

if you want to check other methods in the NEXT link (the page is in English)

information extracted from www.clavo.uni.cc

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Eat Healthy Be Healthy Salogan


Although not a very full contribution if you dare so interesting to those who open Wholesale windows XP and do not know which window is what they need. Out of curiosity when it came out the windows vista only thing is that I welcome to Alt + Tab windows are mated as "decks" and each shows a screenshot (screenshot hehe) of what is in each window, for giving me not to go head stops have found on the web having a similar program called TopDesk and does something very similar on XP.

That if these are the basic requirements.

Operating System: WinXP
Processor: 1.0 GHz
RAM: 256 MB
Video: 32 MB DirectX

Test Version

is shareware 30 days to check if they convince.

and if you "ravine" here the link . It comes with your medicine XD

If they can enjoy it, but for Linux users there are other more interesting options in the different distributions. SEE YA!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Waxing During Early Pregnancy

Take a Retouching with Photoshop

These videos were selected by a promoter photoshop course and it seems appropriate to share the work done by talented people who professionally manage this software from Adobe .

Original Video Title: Playboy Evolution Made by Photoshop

With Photoshop anything is possible. In this video clip, you can see how the author transforms an unfortunate side across a Playboy magazine model.

Original Video Title: Extreme Photoshop MakeOver

Everything a professional designer experienced in the use of Photoshop as Rodrigo Bresser, shows the results of their work reazlizados to "Make-Up Techniques Digital Photoshop. "

Title Original Video: Dove Evolution.

One of the videos from the Dove campaign is raging.

You can see the evolution of a model since he made the picture, until it leaves the ad and how not ... Going through a touch up with Photoshop!

And this is the comic version of the video above ...

information here shot of

Dare to exploit your artistic side with Photoshop .

Friday, January 26, 2007

Plump Stars Big Booty

Greetings Bloggers

I neglected this blog ... XD , so far only Greetings to everyone I know and bloggers who visit this blog ... Soon I will make modifications and new items ... CHIDO!!

Source of emoticons here.